Sunday, May 29, 2011

Embracing Our Differences Exhibit at Island Park

An amazing exhibit at Island Park in Sarasota featured various artwork from all around the world and from all walks of life. Below are a handful of my favorites.

B&W Ballerinas
Debbie Lerman

-Aurora Gritti

Embracing Our Differences
-Taha Benadada

Equal Should Mean Equal
-Darci Graves

Grandmother and Grandson
Marco Simola

Understand Our Differences
-Chow Yuen Kwan

We Are Happy With Our Differences
-Pavel Melecky

What is Beauty
-Corina Gertz

When It's Over
-Juno Mendiola
-Eric Carson


  1. Hello Annabel,
    this is Aurora Gritti, the illustrator.
    In this post I recognized a picture displaying my drawing for the Sarasota Embracing Our Differences Exhibit and I was so happy for that!
    I'm actually in Italy and didn't have the chance to visit the exhibition, so I was looking for some pics of it.
    Yours is the only one I have and I was wondering if I can use it in my official blog
    I will write your credit/link everywhere.
    What do you think?
    Thank you in advance

  2. Of course you can use it. I don't know if you saw the comment I left in your blog but I did add you on Google+ where I'm known as Moxie Awesome. If you would like me to email you the image in a different size please email me at or contact me through google+
