Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sarasota Photo Walk

Yesterday I joined some other local photographers for a World Wide Photography Walk. To be honest, I'm not really sure who or what the World Wide Photography Walk is but I jumped at the chance to meet other photographers and take some pictures.

I'm really really awful at meeting new people and often make a complete and utter fool out of myself whenever I do. I don't really think I did that yesterday since I did manage to talk to a few people and even spent most of the walk with a photographer near my age. The other photographers were a deal older than I am which is not really a problem but it just served to enhance my inability to relate to others.

By chance the photo walk meeting place was also the meeting place for the local Pride walk and I was torn between which group to go with. I ended up with the photographers though and met a nice girl along the way.

I got some cool shots on the photo walk but since I normally walk around the city snapping pictures it was really nothing new to me it just happened that there were a lot of other photographers on the streets as well. It was a fun day though and I enjoyed myself.

I'm going to dedicate myself to actually getting involved in the art community in Sarasota in the coming months but that's another story all together. 

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like fun! I wish we had a better photography community in my town.
