Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Oh, hey, I can make an omelette.

I've been trying to make Harlock a damn omelette for over a year now and it always ends in scrambled omelette suprise. While tasty the SOS is no where near as awesome as an omelette.

 Well, today I finally succeeded in my quest. I decided to use a small pan and grease the hell outta of it with butter. Lots and lots of butter. I beat the hell out of the eggs added salt, pepper, and parsley while mixing. I gently poured that mess into the pan and let it sit.

This is where Yoda's teaching come into play.

Patience! Patience! Let the eggs sit you must!
Cook they must.
A Jedi can wait for the eggs. 
A Jedi will know
the time when the eggs
are ready.

I was a little worried and swore that I somehow messed the whole thing up. But, I persevered. I threw the ham, cheese, and onions in the center and let the eggs sit a few minutes more before attempting the FLIP!

It wasn't a pretty flip. It wasn't a clean flip. But I flipped it and it stayed together. Again I let the eggs sit well they were officially an omelette now, before gently so very very gently sliding the concoction onto a plate. I sprinkled some more parsley, added toast (I'm already a Master Toast Maker), and presented it to Harlock. 

In the process, however, a very odd thing happened. I tasted the omelette. It's very important for chefs to do this; to taste their creations. While I tasted the ooey gooey omelette I found that I liked it, no no I loved it. I hate eggs though but this thing was delicious.

So I made myself one.

I added some paprika to mine but I put a little too much salt in it. The flip was not nearly as flawless as before but it didn't matter. It was still yummy. I even added some cinnamon sugar to my toast and hot sauce to the omelette.


  1. While I deride your use of tabasco sauce and encourage you to jaunt down to your local asian grocery and get some huy fong sriracha / rooster sauce assuming you would like to experience Hot Egg Heaven, I am way into the whole paprika thing. Damn, paprika is some kind of a wonderful thing; they sell paprika chips ("crisps") in the UK and they're just the best.

  2. I love rooster sauce. Just didn't have any. And those blimey bastards are geniuses for having paprika chips!
