Monday, April 25, 2011

The Art of Egg Blowing

One of my favorite Easter traditions from childhood was dying empty eggs. This way you could keep a dyed egg without it starting to stink after a few weeks. To do this you need to blow the yolk and goop out of the egg before coloring.

This year I had the fun of showing my friends how to do this so we all could color empty eggs. Poke a small hole in the top of the egg and a slightly larger hole in the bottom using a sewing needle. You have got to be careful when doing this as the egg might crack. Remember it is raw. Scramble up the yolk with the needle and place your mouth over the hole on top and start blowing! Blow! BLOW! BLOOOOOW! and your egg goop should start streaming out.

This demonstrated by my lovely boyfriend.

You are now left with just a shell, hopefully intact. Run water though the shell to flush out the remaining bits and there ya go! Color away!

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